Your body is responding to wellness in every moment.  Every single moment, of every single day, wellness is trying to course through your entire body.  Just the slightest nod by you in it its direction gives it the go ahead to begin to bring you relief.

You may not even notice the relief at first — those first stirrings of improvement are often so imperceptible, so subtle. Down in the depths of your cells changes begin to take place; the changes are often so far from your awareness that it may seem as if nothing is happening.

And it is here where the most trust is necessary.  For in the moment that you begin to allow your cells, and thus your whole body, even the slightest possibility for relief, greater changes begin to become possible.

What we think of as healing the body, mind or spirit is actually a process of unfoldment, much as the closed petals of a rosebud, over time, gently, beautifully open into full bloom.

Martha's Rose



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